Merry Christmas! To celebrate the birth of Jesus, I have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR new God-honoring Christmas stories for you! All are historical fiction and on sale at a special release price. Two are short stories and two are novelettes… and one of them, To Make a Merry Christmas, already earned a Top New Release in Christian Children’s Books!
To Make a Merry Christmas
Short story, historical fiction, vintage and homey and cheery, Five Little Peppers feel, quick read, family-friendly, great for all ages, themes of prayer, perseverance, contentment, joy, and close-knit family, set in 1900 England
The Christmas Fruit Bowl
Novelette, historical fiction, nine lively cousins and their Christmas-loving, wise auntie, the fruit of the Spirit, life lessons, Christmas carols, read-aloud for the whole family, set in rural Minnesota in 1900
The Christmas Violin
Novelette, historical fiction, post-World-War-I, violin music, a lively toddler, follows characters from The Christmas Fruit Bowl nineteen years later, themes of trust, satisfaction, joy, contentment, and miracles, set in rural Minnesota in 1900
Everything: A Christmas Reminisce
Short story, sentimental and sweet, a lonely elderly woman and her box of special Christmas ornaments, themes of gratefulness, giving thanks in everything, letting go, surrendering to God, acceptance, and Christmas peace
I’ve also teamed up with some other Christian authors to offer you a Christmas story every day until Christmas. I’ve read almost all of these stories and highly recommend them all. Some of them are free or 99 cents on the day they are featured, so don’t miss this special Christmas advent countdown! Click here to download the full list of stories:

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