Read the First Chapter for Free + Meditation Challenge #2

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Read the First Chapter for Free + Meditation Challenge #2

Welcome back to the Memory’s Mind launch tour! It’s FREE CHAPTER DAY – which means that you get to read the first chapter (and the prologue!) of Memory’s Mind right now.

Without delay, I present the free chapter:

Also today, Autumn Lehman at Bursting Through the Darkness hosted me for a guest post on practical tips for meditation. Do pay her a visit and check it out.

Memory’s Mind Meditation Challenge Day #2

You’re back! How did Day #1 go? Was it stretching? Challenging? Did it show you something about yourself or your mind? Did God teach you something about Himself? Did you see something in your verse you’d never seen before? Was it dry and boring, or interesting and exciting? Was it difficult or easy?

Any of those could be valid meditation experiences. Whatever yours was, I hope you learned from it and are ready to tackle Day #2!

If you missed the introduction post with its tips and ideas, you can catch up on the details here.

You can choose any verse, but if you’d like some guidance, here are two suggestions for today!

Track 1: The Law with Liliora: Exodus 20:4

Today we’re continuing our meditation upon God’s law in Exodus 20. Ask God to reveal to you the depths of what He means by this commandment.

Liliora had mentioned the law. Should he do that? Maybe? Perhaps? He was much too weary to extend his mind further in thought. And Adon Olam spake all these words, saying… Already his mind was half-lost to sleep. I am your Adon Olam

Memory’s Mind, Erika Mathews

Track 2: Kelton’s Favorites: Jeremiah 15:16-17

Kelton scraped a line in the dusty path with his ever-present walking stick before stepping over the mark and uphill. “I’m still thinking about the passage I told you about last autumn,” he began slowly. “‘Thy words were found, and I did eat them…’”

“Anything particular this time?”

“Today, mostly how necessary the eating truly is.” Kelton’s boots scuffed rocks, and he veered up a rougher section of the trail. “You know, when I’m in the Word all day, I receive enough into my being to keep me—to cause my soul to receive the nutrition I need. I’m eating it in all these different ways. But unlike food—”

“You don’t get dessert,” Philip interjected jovially.

“No, you never overeat. And I think about how diffi­cult it is out in the world, among people, even at home. If I fall into such complacency here, how much more temptation will I find there! Now is the time to plant the seeds that will be harvested tomorrow, next season, next year.”

Memory’s Mind, Erika Mathews

Now go meditate!
Get offline. Turn off your phone. Abide in the presence of your Lord. Know Him.

… Now come back and enter the giveaway!

What did God reveal of Himself and His Word to you during your meditation today?

Come back tomorrow for Meditation Challenge #3 – and a mini Bible study!

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