Preorder Romance’s Rest… and See the Cover At Last! + Meditation Challenge #1

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Preorder Romance’s Rest… and See the Cover At Last! + Meditation Challenge #1

Two important things are happening today!

  1. Day One of the Memory’s Mind Meditation Challenge and Giveaway
  2. The introduction of the final book in the Truth from Taerna series, including the cover reveal!

Let’s start with the COVER REVEAL!

The sixth and last Taerna novel is Romance’s Rest. It will complete the series by telling the story of Kethin, the youngest Ellith sibling. A family-friendly Biblically-centered romance novel for those who avoid romance novels, Romance’s Rest follows big-hearted, animal-loving Kelton through his quest to know the true meaning of love—and covenant relationship with Adon Olam.⁠

I get excited when I read this book – there is SO much beautiful truth of God’s covenant and love in these pages that I pray is communicated in His way – and you can read it very soon! Be the very first to get the book by preordering in EBOOK and or in SIGNED PAPERBACK today!

If you preorder the ebook, it will automatically be delivered to your Kindle on April 21, 2022! If you preorder the paperback, you’ll receive a signed copy from my very first shipment. Preordering helps tell Amazon that this book is worth promoting and helps get it in front of more people.


Her love seems to have passed him by. 
Little does he know that true covenant Love is knocking at his door.

Kethin Ellith’s life is brimful: a new town, his dream job working with people and animals, an active social life, and now a spunky, godly woman who has captured his heart. But how can he have any sort of relationship with her when she’s not even interested in a single conversation?

Faeth Dale delights in being an avid flower gardener and the middle sister of a lively, close-knit family. She has her own non-negotiable reasons for avoiding all male friendships, particularly with spiritually shallow men like Kethin. But would Adon Olam give her this apparently conflicted guidance?

When rejection, grief, and longing jolt Kethin’s reality, knowing love seems permanently beyond him. And what is this spiritual concept of covenant he keeps encountering? As his struggles in this new relationship with Adon Olam intertwine with the struggles of his heart, Kethin comes face to face with both the starkness and breathtaking gloriousness of divine love itself—and a decision that costs him everything.

Without further delay… presenting: the LAST TAERNA COVER!


Cover design credit goes to Megan Mccullough
Graphic created by Katja Labonté

Preorder today!

If you haven’t discovered the world of Taerna yet, you can start with Promise’s Prayer. It will be FREE on Thursday! Or pick up the whole series for just $9.95! (regularly $22.94! That’s $13 saved!) Books 2-5 are all either 50% or 75% off all week!

Aren’t they awesome together?

Check out the other cover reveal posts today:


Memory’s Mind Meditation Challenge Day #1

If you missed the introduction post with its tips and ideas, you can catch up on the details here. But here are the basics!

1. Choose a length of time to meditate per day. (Minimum: 10 minutes). Comment with what length of time you picked.
2. Choose the Scripture verse you will be meditating on. It can be any verse!
3. Meditate on that verse for the length of time you chose.
4. Once you’ve completed the meditation challenge, enter the giveaway! Enter once each day.

THE GIVEAWAY PRIZE: a special meditation prize pack: “Abide” pocket journal, a golden pen, 16 Scripture cards, and a pocket New Testament

You can choose any verse, but if you’d like some guidance, here are two suggestions for today!

Track 1: The Law With Liliora: Exodus 20:1-3

God talks a lot about His law in Scripture. Specifically, He speaks of meditating in His law “day and night” (Psalm 1, Joshua 1). He promises many blessings for those who keep (guard, protect, treasure) His law. What better place to start our meditation than in His law?

In Memory’s Mind, Liliora, Kelton’s sister, thought the same.

“We were doing a challenge—my friend Rita and I,” Liliora said. “Meditating on His law at night every night for the whole month, and then telling each other what part we meditated on. And then I’d try to do it when I woke up, too.”

Memory’s Mind, Erika Mathews

Track 2: Kelton’s Favorites: James 1:21

Haeward’s low-spoken words washed over him. “Receive in total emptiness of self the implanted word, which is able to save your soul.” 

Receive—receive—receive. The word echoed and splashed in his mind. Total emptiness. He certainly had that. Save your soul. Save my soul. Receive… 

Memory’s Mind, Erika Mathews

Now go meditate!
Set aside distractions.
Enjoy the presence of God.

… Now come back and enter the giveaway!

What did God reveal of Himself and His Word to you during your meditation today?

Come back tomorrow for Meditation Challenge #2 – and a free chapter!

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