Josh and Erika Mathews

Our Mission

Our desire is to live in Christ, and here at Resting Life, our goal is to allow God to share His life with us and with you. God has established Resting Life to cultivate a participatory community centered on building up each other in Christ and sharing His truth from the Scriptures.

We have a passion for sharing—sharing life, sharing truth, and sharing rest—with God, with each other, and with others. Both of us enjoy communicating life and truth—Josh through film and web development and Erika through writing and editing. We also have a heart for teaching, encouraging, praying, and dialoguing with others—learning from you and together answering life’s questions to advance God’s kingdom.

We live in the farm country of Minnesota with our daughter, where we enjoy watching sunrises and sunsets and outdoor activities.


Resting Life

His rest—resting in His complete sufficiency, content and at peace in Him

His life—a life of intimacy with God, walking joyfully through each day looking only unto Him

His truth—receiving His word continually to know and embrace His ways and His mind and to transform and save us from ourselves

Encouraging believers to live in Christ by supporting one another in prayer and edifying one another