Archive for: July, 2023

A Story of Surrender ~ Guest Post by Grace A. Johnson

Hi folks! Erika here. My novella Fear Not Tomorrows has just been published in Wild Blue Wonder Press’s collection Springtime in Surrey along with novellas by seven other authors. (You can buy the book here. Grace’s story Her Heart’s Home is one of them, and I’ve been honored to work with her on this collection over the past several months. Today she’s sharing about her experience writing her story.

Greetings and salutations (which is so much more fun than “hello”), readers! Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Grace A. Johnson (which you’ve no doubt ascertained by this point), and I’m one of the eight authors who are part of Springtime in Surrey, a Christian women’s fiction and romance anthology that released on July 25th from Wild Blue Wonder Press! I’m so excited to be here on Erika’s blog to celebrate the anthology and share a little bit about my story + my experience writing it!

My story, Her Heart’s Home, is set in post-WWI Dorking, Surrey, where our heroine Meredith finds herself homeless and penniless. Her dreams for her life, shattered. Her hopes for the future, dashed. When I began this story, I was set on it being a simple follow-God’s-will type story. I seem to write about that theme a lot, in part because it’s extremely important but also because it’s something I can write without feeling challenged myself.

Naturally, God had other plans.

Somewhere along the way, just like always, Meredith’s struggles became my own. She has so many dreams and hopes and desires, not a one of which are wrong or ungodly, but oftentimes she found herself holding onto those things so tightly it causes her fear, anxiety, depression. On one hand, she wants these things with every fiber of her being. On the other hand, she’s scared to death.

There comes a scene where Meredith basically lists her greatest fears…and as I began writing that list, I realized I felt the exact same way. And so I pulled every single fear (well, all but one, really) out of my own heart and typed it out on the page. It was then, in the wee hours of the morning, where I sat trembling on the love seat with my laptop on a pillow in my lap, that it really hit me how this story was, in a way, my story.

A story of surrender.

Now, I’m not homeless or penniless or a spinster like Meredith. I’ve not faced any of the physical challenges or trials Meredith has. But I hold onto dreams and clutch desires until I’ve steeped myself in the fear that I’ll never be good enough to deserve those dreams and the anxiety that those desires will never be fulfilled.

And what God has slowly but surely been teaching me is that laying my dreams and desires down isn’t letting them go: it’s surrendering them to the only one who can fulfill them.

There’s no denying that this is tough lesson to learn. For some people, it can take a lot of crashing and burning to fully grasp it…but there is so much peace to be found in casting all your cares on Jesus.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

~ 1 Peter 5:6-10 ESV

“‘Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’”

~ Matthew 11:28-30 ESV

Sometimes, it’s my-way-or-the-highway. We want to be in control of our destiny. We think we’re the only ones who can do it right or make things just the way we want them to be.

But the truth is…the highway is so much better. His way is so much better. He knows all the things we don’t, all the turns our life could take or things this world could throw at us. And whether we like it or not, He is the one who’s in control. He’s Lord over all—absolutely everything. No matter what we do, He is still sovereign.

So why hold on to something we can’t actually control?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

~ Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

~ Isaiah 55:8-9 ESV

Like Meredith, we need to surrender. Each and every one of us, sometimes unknowingly, often find ourselves holding onto something, unable to trust God with it. But doesn’t His Word declare how trustworthy He is? How His ways are higher and His plans for us full of hope? If we can trust Him to provide for our food and clothing, can’t we trust Him to lead and guide us throughout our entire lives? Can’t we trust Him to bring us to the job…the spouse…the house…the ministry…the future we’re meant to have?

“‘Therefore do not be anxious, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.’”

~ Matthew 6:31-34 ESV

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

~ Philippians 4:4-6 ESV

The next time you feel anxious or uncertain about your future, depressed about those unfulfilled dreams, or afraid of what your life may look like, set your mind on things above. Just say a quick prayer, lifting your cares up to the Father. And remember: laying those things down at the feet of Jesus doesn’t mean you’re letting them go entirely, that you can’t pray about those things or hope for them. It means you’re letting go of your sense of control. You’re letting the God of all creation take the wheel.

Rest in the peace Christ has provided us. Read your favorite Scripture or turn on a worship song, and just rest, friend. God has quite literally got this.

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

~ Colossians 3:1-2 ESV

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”

~ Philippians 4:7-9 ESV

Grace A. Johnson is a Christian fiction authoress, book reviewer, and avid reader. She has indie-published the first three novels in a Christian historical romance series, the Daughters of the Seven Seas, and a smattering of short stories and novellas, as well as a devotional. She’s also a marketer and editor who loves helping young authors. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook @graceajohnsonauthor or blogging on her website at Join her for a virtual cup of tea and a free preview of her debut novel when you sign up for her e-newsletter!

Springtime in Surrey is Here! (And so are giveaways)

Welcome to the Springtime in Surrey Blog Tour!

I’m so excited to announce that MY LATEST BOOK IS HERE! Today is launch day for a new novella collection: Springtime in Surrey: a Wild Blue Wonder Press anthology! My novella Fear Not Tomorrows is one of eight in this collection!

 This collection of eight stories is full of sweet romance, heartwarming themes, and loveable characters—not to mention the charming vintage vibes. There’s something for everyone in Springtime in Surrey anthology!

The genre is … Christian Women’s Fiction, both Historical and Contemporary

It’s launching … TODAY! Tuesday, July 25th, 2023

Some important dates are …

Blog Tour — Monday, July 24th through Tuesday, July 29th

Instagram Tag — July 2023

About the Book

This collection of novellas, set in County Surrey, England, features both historical and contemporary stories by new and old authors!

Springtime in Surrey contains the follow eight novellas:

Jesus, I Am Resting by Faith Blum

Elinor Chapman, an orphaned laundry woman, must fight to survive after WWI breaks out. She prays her beau doesn’t die on a foreign battlefield like her father did 14 years ago. She is forced to take on nursing, but her passion for helping other orphans distracts her from this job, leaving her little time for rest. Will she run herself into the ground … or will she learn to rest in Jesus?

The Cottage on the Hill by Andrea Renee Cox

During every teatime at her cottage hideaway, Moira struggles to discover hope amongst her lost ballerina dreams. Unsettled by elusive goals of his own, sheep farmer Adrian observes his uncle’s neighbor crying into her tea and wonders why… and what he can do to cheer her up. While facing their regrets, can Moira and Adrian trust that God has a good plan despite crushed dreams and far-off hopes?

If I Knew You Were Coming by Bailey Gaines

With her husband off to war and two evacuee children staying in her home, Joan feels duty-bound to contribute to the war effort via her participation in the Women’s Land Army. She is thrilled to learn that her husband has leave. But when the London Blitz ruins her plans to see him, Joan must decide what is most important in her life: her contribution to the war effort or her calling as a mother?

Her Heart’s Home by Grace A. Johnson

Forced from her childhood home after her father was killed in action, Meredith Tate is forced to seek employment at the Deepdene Hotel until she discovers the next step. Which most certainly does not include the brooding Captain Trevor Seaton, a guest who always manages to catch her at her worst. Despite his gentle magnetism, Meredith is determined not to fall for a military man—but God may have other plans.

The Tussie-Mussie by Katja H. Labonté

Caitrìona is determined to rescue her family from poverty by making a brilliant match. She is on the verge of success when her brother is arrested for a sensational crime. Banished to the country, she meets Ewart, a fearful recluse with a younger sister in need of aid. Ewart and Caitrìona grow together through shared goals—but as mysteries are uncovered and characters tested, what truth will be revealed?

The Odd Duck Society by Rachel Leitch

Jessamy Aubertine is too much for her university classmates, too little for her overstressed mum, and nothing in between. Then a mysterious letter signed by Jane Austen brings her back to her family’s fading tea shop and a pair of unlikely comrades. Will they find the letter writer—and perhaps discover themselves along the way? Or will their friendship fade with The Muses?

Fear Not Tomorrows by Erika Mathews

Hardworking Margaret Enfield is thrilled with her engagement to her lifelong best friend Lester. When his brother’s sudden illness forces Lester’s prolonged and indefinite absence, every tomorrow feels bleak to Margaret as lonely drudgery overtakes the once-rosy springtime. As she throws herself into her tasks, can she learn to trust her tomorrows with Jesus—one day at a time?

Courage to Stay by Kellyn Roth

Rosalind finds herself engaged to Matthias after her former fiancé, his brother, perishes in battle. Determined to forge a connection, she embarks on a risky mission. When Matthias retreats into his own turmoil on a hunting trip, Rosalind disguises herself as a man and follows him to the forest, vowing to fight for their love. Will Matthias summon the courage to stay, or will his fractured mind drive them apart forever?

Where to Find It

Add it to your TBR stack on Goodreads:

Or on Bookbub: 

Here are a whole collection of fun things going on in conjunction with the launch:

The Springtime in Surrey Scavenger Hunt

The Blog Swap, hosted by Andrea

The Bookish Tag, hosted by Katja

The “Which Character Are You” Quiz, created by Rachel

Events on the Wild Blue Wonder Press Instagram, hosted (mostly) by Kellyn – catch the replay!

An Event on Kellyn’s Twitter Account

What about this giveaway, though?!

The authors of Springtime in Surrey are hosting a huge giveaway with not one but two winners—a US winner and an international winner—over the course of the blog tour!

From July 25th to July 31st, follow the tour, commenting on posts, and subscribe to the authors’ newsletters and blogs! The winners will be announced on August 1st and contacted by email! 

US Prizes

A print copy of Springtime in Surrey, two bookmarks and a quote sticker, a spring-themed mug, a bookish ornament, a spring-themed candle, an inspirational journal, and tea.

International Prizes

An ebook copy of Springtime in Surrey, two bookmarks and a quote sticker, a gift card, an ebook of choice by Erika Mathews, an ebook from the winner’s Amazon wishlist, an exclusive epilogue of The Tussie-Mussie, and a phone wallpaper.


Entrants must be 18+ or have parental permission to enter. Two winners—one US and one international—will be randomly selected at the end of the giveaway and contacted by email. The winners must be comfortable sharing their shipping addresses. Any and all information provided through the giveaway will be used only for the purposes stated.


Feel free to check out Wild Blue Wonder Press on Instagram and Facebook, participate in the social media bookish challenge, or browse the other posts on the blog tour using our …

Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, July 24th

Kickoff Post at Lilacs & Reveries

Interview with Katja H. Labonté at Sheep Among Wolves

Interview with Faith Blum at Library Lady’s Kid Lit

Launch Announcement at Writing to Inspire

Interview with Rachel Leitch at Words & Wildflowers

Three-Novella Review at Miraculous Homeschool

Tuesday, July 25th (LAUNCH DAY)

Collection Spotlight at Of Blades and Thorns

Collection Spotlight & Single-Novella Review at Review from the Stacks

Collection Review at Emily Yager

Collection Review at The Book Dragon’s Alcove

Collection Review at Story of a Christian Girl

Launch Announcement at Resting Life (You are here)

Wednesday, July 26th

Two-Novella Review at H.S. Kylian

Collection Review at Abbigail B.

“Tips from Editing 7 Novellas in a Month,” a Guest Post by Kellyn at Joyfully Natasha

Collection Review at Imperial Scribis

Thursday, July 27th

“Why We Wrote Stories Set in Surrey,” a Guest Post from Kellyn at A Handful of Quietness

Collection Review at Library Lady’s Kid Lit

Collection Spotlight at Kelsey’s Notebook

Single-Novella Review at Vanessa Hall

Interview with Andrea Renee Cox at Story of a Christian Girl

Friday, July 28th

Two-Novella Review at Read Review Rejoice

Collection Spotlight at Writing to Inspire

Collection Review at Graceful Reflections

“Why I Love Writing Women’s Fiction,” a Guest Post from Kellyn at Abbigail B.

Saturday, July 29th

Collection Review at Saraina Whitney

Collection Review & Collection Spotlight at Little Blossoms for Jesus

“Children’s Books I Drew Inspiration From,” a Guest Post from Kellyn at Library Lady’s Kid Lit

Wrapup Post at Lilacs & Reveries

About the Authors

Faith Blum is a wife, mom, author, and entrepreneur. She’s published over 30 books, most of them in the Christian Historical Fiction genre. She loves stories because they can teach history, but in a fun way. It is also her way to have a creative outlet while taking care of a household and toddler.

She’s been a proud small town resident her whole life and wouldn’t have it any other way. She lives in Central Wisconsin with her husband, son, and cat, Smokey. She’s blessed to write as a part time career. You can find her books on books on most eBook retailers.

When not writing, you can find her cooking from scratch, reading, figuring out social media content, or spending time with her family. She also loves playing piano for church and being part of the Author Conservatory.

Amazon Author Page:

Born and raised in north Texas, Andrea Renee Cox is a born-again child of God who enjoys writing stories that inspire, copyediting fiction manuscripts, tutoring middle school students, and going on road trips with her family. Whether she’s working on historical or contemporary, women’s fiction or romance, she uses her skills in research and writing techniques—as well as a large dose of prayer and guidance from God—at every turn in the journey to produce the best story of her ability every single time. Her books may be found on her website, and readers are welcome to follow her blog for the latest updates in her journey. 


Bailey Gaines is a Georgia girl who loves history. Through her writing, she hopes to show how God works in all periods of history, bringing healing and helping people know they have value because of their identity as a human created in God’s image. Her stories range from King Richard the Lionheart’s England to 1930s Appalachia to 18th century England to 19th century America.

Bailey is a student of the Author Conservatory, and has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing. When she’s not writing, she’s helping homeschoolers with their writing or working at an escape room. Her hobbies include playing the piano, sewing, and exploring the world of vintage fashion.


Grace A. Johnson is a Christian fiction authoress, book reviewer, and avid reader. She lives in beautiful (but humid) South Georgia, surrounded by farmland and forestry, with her parents and six younger siblings. She has indie-published the first three novels in a Christian historical romance series, the Daughters of the Seven Seas, and a smattering of short stories and novellas, as well as a devotional. She’s also a marketer and editor who loves helping young authors through her editing business S&J Editors and her small publishing company Sky’s the Limit Press. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook @graceajohnsonauthor or blogging on her website at Join her for a virtual cup of tea and a free preview of her debut novel when you sign up for her e-newsletter!


Katja H. Labonté is a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. She is a bilingual French-Canadian and has about a dozen topics she’s excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why she writes). Katja writes both contemporary and historical fiction, as well as non-magical historical and contemporary kingdom fiction, and covers themes of worth, love, peace, and Christian growth. She spends her days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. You can follow her life journey, find free books, browse her services, and more on her website and blog.


Rachel Leitch discovered the book of writing when she was seven. She’s been turning pages ever since! She lives her own adventure in northern Indiana, with her parents, three sisters, two brothers, and a dog who thinks he’s the hero of her story. She writes young adult historical fiction with a dash of adventure or a spark of magic. When she’s not hidden away writing, she’s trying to fit all her reads on her shelf in a somewhat organized manner, obsessing over character arcs, drinking chai, daydreaming at the piano, or teaching students to be just as bookish as she is. In all her adventures, she learns how to shine brighter for the Father of Lights. For more bookish ramblings (and a free digital short story involving a magical violin) follow her adventure journal at!


Erika Mathews is an author and editor who writes family-friendly Christian living books, both fiction and non-fiction, that demonstrate the power of God through ordinary people, transforming daily life into His resting life. Her works include Truth from Taerna, a kingdom adventure fiction series with deep spiritual themes, Resting Life, a Christian living nonfiction book about finding rest in Jesus in modern life, and a variety of historical fiction and poetry.
Erika lives in the farm country of Minnesota with her husband and children. She’s a homeschool graduate with a Bachelor’s in Communications, a Master’s in Biblical Ministries, and a passion for sharing Jesus Christ and His truth. When she’s not working with books, she enjoys reading, outdoor activities, piano and violin, organizing, and using the Oxford comma.


Kellyn Roth is a historical romance & women’s fiction author who writes about the empty places where hope has the most room to grow. Her novels include the inspirational Victorian family saga, The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, and the Kees & Colliers series, which follows a broken family in the tumultuous years of the first half of the 20th century.

Kellyn is a student of the Author Conservatory and a writing coach. When not building her author career or her indie-author-helping business, Wild Blue Wonder Press, she is likely getting lost somewhere in the Pacific Northwest with her friends, watching period dramas and facetious comedies, or spending time with her husband.Website:

Lessons Learned from “Courage to Stay,” My Springtime in Surrey Novella ~ Guest Post by Kellyn Roth

Hi folks! Erika here. My novella Fear Not Tomorrows is being published in Wild Blue Wonder Press’s collection Springtime in Surrey along with novellas by seven other authors. (You can preorder the book here or join the blog tour here.) Kellyn’s story Courage to Stay is one of them, and I’ve been honored to work with her on this collection over the past several months. I’ve followed her blog for YEARS, and I always strangely and thoroughly enjoy her eclectic mix of impassioned rants in conversational, witty style defined by solid Biblical TRUTH. I’m happy to finally have a post of hers on my blog! Today she’s sharing some lessons learned through her novella!

Hello Reader! Thank you so much for checking out this guest post—and, of course, thank you Erika for letting me do this guest post. Erika, as you may already know, is a part of the first-ever Wild Blue Wonder Press anthology, Springtime in Surrey. She has a novella in said collection, as do I!

My novella is called “Courage to Stay,” and I’d like to talk about the themes of my story  and specifically how they relate to my life as a writer.

Here’s the thing. I stand before you with an unwavering belief in the power of words. As Christian writers, we are called to be vessels of hope, truth, and encouragement. We are entrusted with the incredible opportunity to shape narratives that touch hearts and transform lives.

In this guest post, I invite you to embark on a journey of embracing courage—the central theme of my novel, “Courage to Stay,” as the title indicates. Let us delve into how this theme can empower and invigorate us as Christian writers.

The Courage to Embrace Your Calling:

In the realm of Christian writing, courage manifests itself as an essential ingredient. It is the force that propels us forward when self-doubt and uncertainty loom. As we delve into our calling as writers, we often face moments of questioning, feeling ill-equipped for the task at hand.

However, remember that God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called. Embrace your divine assignment with courage, trusting that God will equip you with the necessary gifts and talents to fulfill it.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Josiah 1:9)

The Courage to Share Vulnerability:

Writing, at its core, is an act of vulnerability. It requires us to open our hearts and share the depths of our experiences, joys, struggles, and triumphs.

When we choose to be vulnerable, we invite readers into our lives and offer them the opportunity to connect with our words on a profound level. It takes courage to expose our vulnerabilities, trusting that God will use our stories to bring healing and encouragement to others. Embrace the courage to share vulnerably, knowing that your words have the power to touch lives and inspire change.

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:17)

The Courage to Stay Committed:

Writing is a journey that demands perseverance and unwavering commitment. In a world that often values instant gratification, staying the course as a Christian writer requires courage. It is easy to become discouraged by rejection letters or the slow progress of our work. However, remember that our faith calls us to trust in God’s timing and to remain steadfast in our commitment to the craft.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)

The Courage to Tackle Challenging Topics:

As Christian writers, we are called to address difficult and controversial topics with grace and truth. Courage enables us to tackle these subjects head-on, approaching them with sensitivity and discernment. By engaging in such discussions, we have the opportunity to provide a unique perspective grounded in faith and wisdom. Let your writing be a catalyst for meaningful conversations, promoting understanding and unity while staying true to your convictions.

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)

In Conclusion:

As Christian writers, we are entrusted with a powerful platform to proclaim hope, truth, and love to a world in need. The theme of courage resonates deeply within our craft, empowering us to embrace our calling, share vulnerably, stay committed, and tackle challenging topics. Let us remember that our words possess the ability to bring light into darkness, to offer solace to the broken-hearted, and to stir hearts towards God. May the theme of courage inspire and embolden you as you continue your journey as a Christian writer.

So, dear readers, may you find the courage to step forward, pen in hand, and embrace the beautiful calling of a Christian writer. Rest assured that as you courageously navigate this path, your words will make a lasting impact on hearts and souls, bringing glory to God and igniting hope in the lives of those who encounter them.

Kellyn Roth is a historical romance & women’s fiction author who writes stories to share hope in life’s storms. Her novels include the inspirational Victorian family saga, The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, and the Kees & Colliers series, which follows a broken family in the tumultuous years of the first half of the 20th century. You can find out more about Kell at

His Thoughts Unto Me ~ Guest Post by Katja Labonté

Hi folks! We’re back with Surrey Saturday. My novella Fear Not Tomorrows is being published in Wild Blue Wonder Press’s collection Springtime in Surrey along with novellas by seven other authors. (You can preorder the book here or join the blog tour here.) Katja’s story The Tussie-Mussie is one of them, and I’ve been honored to work with her on this collection over the past several months. Her story is amazing and I can’t wait for you to read it! Today she’s sharing some thoughts on the spiritual themes in her novella.

My Springtime in Surrey story, “The Tussie-Mussie,” deals with self-worth and surrender of control to God. I hadn’t really intended to write about that. Originally, I was going to talk about depression, peer pressure, and following God’s plans instead of what society/everyone else thinks we should do. I thought I already knew about self-worth and surrender of plans to God. 

Actually, those themes weren’t as deep as they usually are in my novels—I didn’t have the time for my typical long discourse. This book wasn’t the product of “I just learned this lesson.” Instead, it was more of a reflection of what I was warring about inside. This story was a romance—when I myself was struggling deeply with my own singleness as more and more of my peers (and younger friends!) paired off. It was about friendship—when I felt I was losing my most precious romances. It was about surrendering dreams, when I was hanging so hard on my dreams I almost convinced myself they were real and about to happen. 

After the initial writing of the novella, I fell into depression for the first time in nearly a year. There was a lot going on, and I was overwhelmed by all the deadlines and important, big things in my life. From the writing of the novella in March, to the final editing in May, I am ashamed to admit I read my Bible very little, and prayed even less. I was “too busy surviving,” I told myself. In reality, I was avoiding God because I knew my heart had issues and I didn’t want to give them up. 

I was battling strongly because I craved being the most important person to someone. I longed for someone’s constance presence. And I wanted a husband to supply all that. Over and over, as I fled from God on social media, He showed me things to remind me I was foolish. I was wrong. Only He could fulfill me in the ways I longed for. Again and again He reminded me what my life goal was—serving God—and that marriage was all about serving God together, not about my desires. 

I knew I needed to go to Jesus. Make Him my Friend. The person I longed for. But I was reluctant to give up my dreams. I had specific dreams about my “future husband,” and they had become very dear… all too dear, for now they replaced Jesus. Suddenly I realized that instead of going to Him with my griefs and joys and anger, I thought about how my “ideal” would respond. 

Earlier, one of my friends had told me she’d dedicated this year to intentional singleness, pursing Jesus. At the time, I thought it was good, but not for me. But the Lord kept reminding it to me, and eventually, sitting in the pew on Wednesday night, I caved. I felt an urge to write out a prayer and a promise to the Lord, and I did. 

Lord, show me Your love so deeply I don’t rely on that of a man. Make Your presence so known to me that I don’t crave another. Be the One most important to me. Make me love You fully, sacrifice for you, live and give for You alone. Lord, I consecrate this year to You. I deliberately let go of my dreams, craves, and stories. I let ho for this year of searching for Mr. Right, of worrying about [all my specific dreams]. 

As soon as I’d written that, I remembered the theme word and verse that had been laid on my heart for this year: restore, Jeremiah 30:17.

At the time, I’d looked upon the verse as a promise of finding Mr. Right. Now, I saw it differently: a promise of restoration of self-worth. That final giving up of any sliver of “I hope for him this year” was hard. But the peace was immense. 

After having made that momentous decision, I pulled out my Bible to catch up on reading my daily Psalms. And as I read, the verses just kept jumping out at me… speaking straight to me. 

I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.” Ps. 130:5-6
Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother:” Ps. 131:1-2

And then—

The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me:” Ps. 138:8

Such hope in those words! 

Then I read Psalm 139 and God started to answer my prayer. 

O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, Thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, Thou knowest it altogether.” 

And I wanted someone who was always there to hear me and know all about me! 

Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid Thine hand upon me.” 

God-given spiritual hugs? Even better than the physical love I craved. 

Whither shall I go from Thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from Thy presence?If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me.” 

Like, God is literally everywhere with me. In a way no human can. 

If I say, ‘Surely the darkness shall cover me;’ even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from Thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to Thee.

Even my depression and grief doesn’t chase Him away. Instead, He comes sit beside me in the darkness. 

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

To think I wanted validation from man about my worth! 

How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with Thee.

Then I cried. What more proof of God’s love did I need? Had He not just told me and showed me plainly how much He loved me? 

And as if that chapter of love wasn’t enough, more verses flew out at me while I read on. 

I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. I cried unto Thee, O Lord: I said, ‘Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.’” Ps. 142:5
Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.” Ps. 73:25-26

What a powerful reminder that I don’t need someone on my right hand all the time. He is my refuge. And He is my portion—the most important thing I have.

The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear Him.” Ps. 145:15-16, 19
No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee.” Ps. 84:11-12

Talk about words of hope!

These words don’t confirm God will give me what right now I desire. But they confirm that He will not keep from me ANY GOOD THING. He will not leave me unsatisfied. The closer I get to Him, the more He will realign my desires. The ones He answers may not be the ones I have now. But whatever they are, they will be satisfactory. And whatever I don’t have, WASN’T A GOOD THING FOR ME. 

Does it mean right now I don’t still hope someday marriage is in the plans for me? No. But I do know this: 

“Yes—the Lord could grant her the dreams of her heart—or He could grant her far better. She would wait on Him. He would provide for her family—He would give her life purpose—all in His time.” 

The Tussie-Mussie, chapter 9

Katja H. Labonté is a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. She is a bilingual French-Canadian and has about a dozen topics she’s excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why she writes). She spends her days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. You can follow her life journey, find free books, browse her services, and more on her website and blog

What Kindergarten Taught Me About Rest ~ Guest Post by Rachel Leitch

Hi folks! Erika here. My novella Fear Not Tomorrows is being published in Wild Blue Wonder Press’s collection Springtime in Surrey along with novellas by seven other authors. (You can preorder the book here or join the blog tour here.) Rachel’s story The Odd Duck Society is one of them, and I’ve been honored to work with her on this collection over the past several months. Today she’s sharing some thoughts on rest with us!

I’m Rachel Leitch, and I’m so honored to chat with you on Erika’s blog! I’m the author of The Odd Duck Society in Springtime in Surrey. Whether it’s in The Odd Duck Society, one of my young adult historicals, or a blog post, I love talking about self-love. The good kind—resting and content in who God created you to be physically, emotionally, and mentally.  

At this point in my life, I balance writing (which will eventually be my full-time career) and working as an elementary school paraprofessional. A couple months ago, a kindergarten classroom taught me something important about that kind of rest. 

One of the interesting things about that job is getting to see how different teachers manage different situations. It’s neat to watch how their unique personalities influence the simplest of things.

Like morning meetings, where all the students gather on the rug and have a little chat first thing.

Some teachers use it to update kids on what’s going on during the day or the week. Some use it as a chance for students to share about their previous week or evening. Some use it as a teaching opportunity to work on behavioral concerns.

And the kindergarten teacher I work with uses it to teach students about mental health.

Every morning, she asks her students to give her a thumbs-up, thumbs-in-the-middle, or thumbs-down to show how they’re feeling that morning. Then they may say one thing they want to say.

When a student gives her a thumbs-down, she doesn’t freak out or demand to know why they feel that way. She simply asks them if they’d like to share why.

Sometimes they do. Other times they don’t say anything at all. And other times they say something completely unrelated.

Their teacher doesn’t push for answers that may not be there. She just lets them share how they feel and listens carefully.

Many mornings, I wish I had a spot on the rug. That someone could ask me how I’m doing, and I wouldn’t automatically jump to the “I’m good” reaction. That I could say I’m not having a good day and not feel as if I have to give the three-hour explanation as to why. But on the other hand, I wish I could honestly say what’s on my mind.

But when I thought about it a little bit more, I realized it’s not that people don’t ask. It’s that I don’t answer. 

Do you ever feel the same way?

Rest in this: it’s okay to not be okay.

It’s okay to give a thumbs-down. Everybody has bad days and it’s time we came out and said it.

In Marissa Meyer’s Alice in Wonderland inspired novel Heartless, the Raven says, “To be all right implies an impossible phase. We hope for mostly right on the best of our days.”

We’ve got this idea that if we’re all right all the time, we’re somehow stronger than the rest. We’ve got this idea that stronger automatically means better. 

We forget so quickly that Jesus didn’t come to save those who were perfectly find and had it all together. He came to save the ones who were lost, who were sick, who were not okay. 

We forget so quickly that God told us outright that we will have trouble, but that in our weakness, He makes us strong. 

I love Marissa Meyer’s quote, because it points out that even the people we think have it all together are really just mostly right, even on their best days. And it’s a reminder that even on our best days, there’s something far better coming. 

We’re living in the beginning of our eternity right now, and what we have coming is going to far outweigh the sorrows we feel now. To be frank, I don’t understand how that will happen, because the now hurts a lot. But I think I can believe it will. 

Author Nicki Koziarz adds, “It’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to never be okay.”

To say that you’re having a bad day, or to allow your friend to tell you they’re having a bad day, isn’t saying that life is all bad or that it always will be. You can’t help a sick person unless they tell you their symptoms. You can’t begin turning a bad day into a little bit better one unless you admit that things are not okay.

Rest in this: It’s okay to not have the reason why.

Some days you just don’t feel good. Other days you know exactly why you don’t feel good, but you wish you didn’t have that reason.

I am very much an internal processor. When something stressful happens, it might take me hours or even days to be able to put into words what I’m feeling.

So often when people know something upsetting has happened and they ask me, all I know is I’m not okay.

In one of those times, a coworker simply gave me a hug when we met at recess. I say simply, as if it were something small. It wasn’t. “Are you okay?” she asked.

She does this every day, so I didn’t see anything different about it. I didn’t realize she was aware of the situation, so I simply said, “I’m good” in a fake cheerful way that I’ve perfected for just such an occasion.

“Really?” she asked.

Something clicked and I realized she knew. But I couldn’t answer her. I didn’t have the words to tell her what was going on, what I was feeling, that it felt like every emotion was colliding at once inside of me. But I felt like I needed to say something, that she expected some answer.

She said exactly what I needed to hear right then. “I don’t know the details. And I don’t need to know. But I’m here if you ever need anything.”

Her response reminded me that I don’t have to have it all figured out. Even when I don’t understand what I’m feeling, God knows perfectly and has had it all figured out from the very beginning. He knows how I got here and exactly how He’ll bring me out. He’s not confused at all. 

Rest in this: It’s okay to explain why. 

Venting is not complaining. While there is a very fine line between the two, there is a difference. 

Sometimes I need to get the words out to understand that they are only feelings. Sometimes you have to get the feelings out before you can see the facts and reconcile the two.

It’s okay to be sad something happened. It’s okay to be angry. It’s what we do with those feelings that defines it.

Earlier this week, a coworker I haven’t seen in a while subbed for a teacher on the playground. We work in different areas of the school, but do similar things, so she asked how I was doing.

I knew her and was comfortable enough with her to tell her that I wasn’t doing okay and to explain some of the stress I’d been under at work.

She didn’t have all the answers. But she listened and she made me feel safe to say that I wasn’t okay with what was going on.

When I experienced the first death in my extended family, someone told me God wasn’t afraid of my feelings. I struggle to remember that sometimes. It’s just so easy to think I have to submit a pretty, polished prayer. That I can’t have questions or hurts. That I can’t ever speak out of turn. 

Prayer is communication with God. And He already knows what you’re feeling and isn’t turned away at all. He is patient

So get the words and feelings out, even if they seem silly. Just getting them out is one of the best things you can do, and there is no safer person than Jesus. Lay them before Him and allow Him to help you make sense of them. 

Maybe that will happen quickly. Maybe it will take years. Maybe you’ll never know. 

Maybe today you can start by imagining that you’re sitting on that kindergarten rug. Everybody’s going around the circle sharing how they feel—you’re surrounded by people who love and care about you. Maybe it’s a thumbs up today. Maybe in the middle. Maybe it’s a thumbs down.

Maybe you’re the one that needs to admit you’re not okay. Maybe you’re the one who needs to be vulnerable.

Or maybe you’re the one who needs to listen. To not need all the details and to just be.

Any way it goes, you know you’re going to be listened to and loved.

Because the reason that it’s okay to not be okay is because God loves us. He loved us when we were sinners—when we were definitely not okay. He isn’t afraid of our mess or of anything that we feel or experience. He knows we’re not perfect and He’s preparing a place where everything will be entirely okay, entirely all right forever.

But for now, He listens carefully. He doesn’t push for answers that aren’t there. He doesn’t overreact or need to know all the details.

He just wants to love us.

Kind of like a kindergarten teacher.

I’m excited to explore this rest in my story The Odd Duck Society. I hope that this anthology will be a breath of fresh air, a sigh of relief for you. 

Rachel Leitch lives her own adventure in northern Indiana, with her parents, three sisters, two brothers, and a dog who thinks he’s the hero of her story. She writes young adult historicals with a dash of adventure or a spark of magic. When she’s not hidden away writing, she’s trying to fit all her reads on her shelf in a somewhat organized manner, obsessing over character arcs, drinking chai, daydreaming at the piano, or teaching students to be just as bookish as she is. In all her adventures, she learns how to shine brighter for the Father of Lights.

Are you in the mood for a FREE or 99 cent summer or patriotic read?

Happy 4th of July! I’m happy to be part of a sale going on today only with some other awesome authors. All the books are free or $0.99 today only. All these books are patriotic or summer-themed. Perfect for loading up your Kindle for a road trip, staycation, beach read, or by the pool.

I have four books in this sale, including Promise’s Prayer!

I’ve personally read all but four of these, and I highly recommend them all:

Promise’s Prayer by Erika Mathews (kingdom fiction)

Across the Land I Love by Sarah Holman (Contemporary)

Cookies by Rebekah A. Morris (Historical)

England Adventure by Kelsey Bryant (Contemporary)

Enjoy the Poodle Skirt by Kate Willis (Contemporary)

Gather ‘Round the Fables by Erika Mathews (Short fable retelling collection)

A Good Summer by Rebekah A. Morris (Contemporary)

Honor All Men by Rebekah A. Morris (Contemporary)

Lessons from Liberty by Rebekah A. Morris (Contemporary)

Mystery at Random by Rebekah A. Morris (Contemporary/Mystery)

Oh, The Fallen by Abigail Kay Harris (Contemporary)

Overrun By Your Love by Erika Mathews (Inspirational poetry including 2 patriotic poems)

Prairie Independence Day by Kelsey Bryant (Contemporary)

Summer Light by Rebekah A. Morris (Contemporary)

The Treasure Hunt by Kate Willis (Contemporary)

Treasures from Taerna by Erika Mathews (Kingdom Fiction)

Waltz into the Waves by Sarah Holman (Kingdom Fantasy/Non-Magical Fantasy/Fairytale)

Wherever He Leads by Rebekah A. Morris (Contemporary)

I hope you found some awesome treasures among these. Happy 4th of July!