Archive for: February, 2019

Introducing . . . Restful Readers!

This month I’ve been participating in #WIPJoy, a social media event where I post daily about my Work In Progress, responding to a specific prompt. I’ve been posting about Victory’s Voice, Book 2 in Truth from Taerna.

Yesterday’s prompt was quite difficult for me.


It isn’t that I don’t have supportive family. It isn’t that I don’t have awesome online writing friends and blog followers. I do. I could shout out to all of you. You truly add something to my life as an author. Some of you in particular have been extremely encouraging and supportive for various writing projects I’ve done as well as in my spiritual life. Thank you! I thank God for you.

It’s just that upon careful pondering, there really wasn’t anyone in particular who stood out as a reason I keep writing Victory’s Voice specifically.

Victory’s Voice is a unique book. It wasn’t supposed to be at all. After starting and scrapping at least four or five different plots and sets of characters, the entire month was a struggle just to get words on the page. Plot problems abounded. Since then, it’s been a mess of editing, re-classifying (it’s no longer fantasy, and none of my books will be fantasy, but that’s a post for another time), re-editing, and now re-plotting and rewriting. Plot elements don’t want to fall into place. The ending is elusive. It’s been three and a half years of hauling this wagon uphill by hand.

So . . . what does keep me going?

  1. Wanting to publish future books in the series. Specifically, Sustainer’s Smile (Book 4), though Memory’s Mind (5) is also high on the list. I can’t wait to get Sustainer’s Smile out into the world, but first comes Victory’s Voice.
  2. The importance of the message. The power of spoken words isn’t widely addressed in this culture, and it deserves to be known.
  3. Most importantly, God. I believe this is a book He’s called me to write, and I will not let the enemy win.

That said, it’s still an uphill road.

A road that would be easier with a team to keep cheering me on. A team who loves my books. A team who periodically reminds me why I do this crazy thing called writing.

God created community, and God created fellowship.

And that’s what inspired me to finally take the plunge and create Restful Readers.

(Never mind that I intended to do so two years ago but was afraid no one would be interested. I’m still a bit afraid of that, to be honest, but I’m doing it anyway.)

Introducing . . .

Restful Readers!

My brand new author street team! I’m excited about this and can’t wait to connect there. There are several options for joining; you can join one or all! We’re headquartered in a closed Facebook group, we’ll chat in a private Google Hangouts group, and there’s an email list – plus I’ll add a Goodreads group if there’s enough reader interest.

RestfulReaders (1)

Click Here to Join!

Restful Readers Is For You If:

You’ve enjoyed a book of mine and are willing to spread the word!

(Bonus if you’re looking forward to more books from me!)

What Restful Readers Get:

  • First Access to:
    • Short stories, tie-in Taerna stories, devotionals, and more!
    • ARCs (Advance Reader Copies – reading my books pre-publication)
    • Beta reading
    • Big news: titles, covers, ideas, and secret projects
    • Sneak peeks! Excerpts and perhaps even whole chapters
    • Sales, discounts, and free books
  • Bonus content: behind-the-scenes information, day-to-day glimpses of my writing process, freebies, and more
  • Exclusive contests
  • The opportunity to influence book content: vote on a poll, suggest a character name, and more!
  • Your name in print: shout-out in the acknowledgements section of my books (with your permission)
  • Your blog/social media supported and promoted on my channels (as you wish)
  • Fun, relaxing bookish chat!

What To Expect:

Periodically I’ll post “missions” for you to complete. I’ll let you know exactly what to do and what to expect, and I’ll make it as easy as possible for you to complete. I am motivated as an author by reader feedback. Supportive readers can push me through a few thousand more words!

I need both ongoing support and event support; that is, support leading up to and during a book release as well as ongoing support.

You can support my books any way you prefer, but here’s a few ideas to get you started. You’re free to do any of them at any time, and I’ll also periodically pick specific ones to highlight and simplify for you if you prefer to just follow along with me.

  • TALK TO ME. Ask me when the next book is coming out, say what you’re looking forward to, ask for writing updates, or just talk about my books in general. This motivates me to keep writing!
  • Leave reviews. Amazon. Goodreads. Your blog. Anywhere and everywhere. Extremely important for an indie author.
  • Sign up for my newsletter at
  • Word-of-mouth. This is the best way to help me get my books out there!
  • Like, comment on, and share my social media posts to help them reach more people.
  • Request that your library carry my book.
  • Beta read, or sign up for a blog tour or cover reveal.
  • Gift my books for Christmas, birthdays, or other occasions (buy directly from me).
  • Share your reviews. Tell other people why you liked my book.
  • Share others’ reviews or posts about my book.
  • Random shout-outs. Fangirl or fanboy over my books over the internet. Instagram my books.
  • Host me for an interview or guest post on your blog.
  • If you really love my books, get extra creative: post fan art, write fan fiction, make a YouTube review, have a Taerna-themed party, pester your bookstore to carry my books, read my book for a book club—the ideas are endless . . . basically make noise about the book!

Click Here to Join!

I’m excited to connect with those who have loved my work!

Your turn! Have you had a project as stubborn as Victory’s Voice? Do you have good support and fellowship? What makes you want to read Victory’s Voice? Will you be joining Restful Readers?